
I’ve been sitting on this one for a while. this is a topic that feels very very heavy in my heart and I really wanted to do it justice. I realize, though, that this goes way beyond you reading this column. if this is your first time looking into this, then it’s just the tip of the iceberg. and if you’ve done your research before, then I know that this is one of many. I think as parents we wish (and believe) that we can trust what’s out there.

“they would never create something that would actually harm my child”

this thinking is increasingly dangerous, as the world will continue to throw things at our children relentlessly if we don’t partake in our duty as MOM and DAD, to be the gatekeepers of our home. taking time to sit with different topics or ideas or paths, bringing it to the Holy Spirit and sensing in our own spirits if it’s right. to take time to look into something that might feel a bit off. and that will look different for each family, but we owe it to our children to do so. it is our greatest honor here! to protect them so that their generation can be free. we consciously brought them into this world and we must do our due diligence. and by being here right now, in this moment, you are doing that. THANK YOU.

I’ll keep this brief, as it really is just an offering and invitation for you to dig a little deeper into something that you must feel is a bit off too, since you’re here now. I offer it all to you in love! trusting that it will land in the hearts of the parents it’s meant to and resonate with those who’s time it is to hear it.


the history

“shots work though, don’t they? haven’t they single handily eradicated many diseases that are no longer around today?”

if you actually look at the decline of these diseases, you’ll see that they were already on a steep decline before each shot was introduced (except in the case of smallpox, which actually increased it’s cases after the shot was enforced). this decline is credited to new sanitary practices that were evolving! specifically clean water. and also important to note - they declined simultaneously in europe, who was not partaking in mass immunizations. outbreaks still can occur to this day, but always look a bit closer into where it originated, as it is almost always from someone who already had the immunization.



we look at the ingredient list on our mac and cheese but we don’t look at the ingredient list of the injection that’s going into our children’s bodies. (!!!) which includes formaldehyde, heavy metals, and in some cases - aborted fetal cells. you read that right! it’s unthinkable, and we are not truly giving informed consent if we don’t know this. these ingredient lists are specifically called “inserts” and you can ask your doctor to see them (since more than likely you will not be given them initially.) there is also a website that clearly lays them out for you to search through, covering different shots available on the market. very thankful for this website as it remains totally neutral! just providing documents straight from the cdc or government affiliated websites -


there is no liability

if your child gets injured (big or small) from a shot, nobody is liable. not the doctors office you were at, not the practitioner who administered it, not the manufacturer, nobody. if there is an injury, then you would need to report it to VAERS.

my opinion - if someone was liable, they would do everything to make sure it really is totally safe. if not, there would be way less incentive, if any.


the schedule today / well-checks

the schedule has increased an incredible amount, and yet, doesn’t it seem like us and children are sicker than ever?

this is even 7 years out of date. TODAY (2023), a child is set to receive 52 doses of 15 shots by the age of 6 and 72 doses of 17 shots by age 18.

the main reason to attend a well-check for your child is for them to receive their shots. if you do not plan on giving them any and don’t have any other concerns you’re wanting to talk to your provider about, these appointments are relatively useless. while, it’s increasingly difficult to find a pediatrician who will honor the choices you’re making for your child if you choose to not. i do think it’s also important to note - pediatricians get a larger payout if their patients are receiving immunizations. this could be the reason there’s a bit more of a push back if you choose to decline.



to further your research into this topic here are a few resources that do a great job at remaining neutral and simply presenting facts / data / studies. our bodies were intricately designed to restore themselves, naturally. it was all thought out, in detail, by our perfect Creator.

this link will take you to a myriad of books and documentaries that are incredibly helpful to dig into and share with others who might be interested.

also - candace owens created a series over on the parler app, covering each shot and the history behind it. her voice as an advocate but more so as a MOTHER is powerful and truly invaluable. definitely worth setting up an account just to tune into that!




the placenta.